Blue is a barn favorite. He
is a 12.11/2 hand Welsh pony. Blue has a winning record in the ‘AA’ show
ring. He was the USHJA Zone Green Pony Champion as well as OHJA Green
Pony and Small Pony Champion. He has competed all over Oregon,
Washington, and California. Blue loves his lessons but, his heart is in
the show ring. He is a great confidence builder.
Blue loves ‘all’ food
but, really loves Peppermints. |

Cody is a 13.3 hand Quarter pony. While Cody does not have the show ring experience that his friend
Blue has, he is excited to make that a goal for the 2011 show season.
Cody is excellent for the beginning rider. He is an excellent confidence
builder and a pleasure to play with on the ground.
His favorite treat
is carrots! |